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Conversations on a Sunday Afternoon
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Miners Shot Down
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Global Warming: The Signs and The Science
Billy Childish Is Dead
One: The Movie
I for India
Brazil: Cinema, Sex and the Generals
Flying: Confessions of a Free Woman
Daughters of Mother India
Birthplace Unknown
Ping Pong
James Brown: Man to Man
Harry Saltzman: Showman
Unfair Dealing
Crackheads Gone Wild
Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
February One: The Story of the Greensboro Four
Interpretation of Dreams
Ivan & Ivana
Comme un coup de tonnerre
Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher
Au rendez-vous du rêve abêti
Inside Guantanamo
Freeing Bernie Baran
Choose Not To Fall
Round Eyes in the Middle Kingdom
Fight for the Dardanelles
Balkan Rhapsodies: 78 Measures of War
Exile in Sarajevo
Cohen on the Bridge
Dave Mason: Live At Sunrise
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti
Death by Design
Arlington West: The Film
Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary